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โšฝ๏ธ 35 goals
8 assists
Serie A
Copa America
Italian Super Cup
Serie A golden boot
Copa América golden boot
โšฝ๏ธ Game winning goal in the final

Lautaro Martinez has a good shout for the Ballon d'Or
โšฝ๏ธ 35 goals ๐ŸŽฏ 8 assists ๐Ÿ† Serie A ๐Ÿ† Copa America ๐Ÿ† Italian Super Cup ๐Ÿ† Serie A golden boot ๐Ÿ† Copa América golden boot โšฝ๏ธ Game winning goal in the final Lautaro Martinez has a good shout for the Ballon d'Or ๐Ÿ‘€
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